– 30 –BOSCH Security Systems GmbH A3/06–2004
Searching for and looking at archive images from the remote station
You are now on the live image
Open image From the System menu, select the Image
archive archive command. The image archive will be
Establish From the Connection menu, select the
connection establish connection command.
The Connection dialog box opens.
Select the desired connection type, e.g.
Click on the remote station in the box and
confirm with OK. The connection to the remote
station is established. In the archive tree, the
archives of the remote station will appear under
its name.
Select By selecting the remote station, you can
remote the area to be searched on the remote station
station on the next dialog; you can limit the search area
to particular archives.
Search for From the Database menu, select the
images on Search dialog (single images) command. A
the remote dialog box for searching the archive will open.
station Enter the search criteria and/or the archives to be
searched and click the Search button. The
images found will be saved on your system in the
<Remote station> Search archive.
Looking at Open the archive by clicking on the symbol
archive in front of the archive name.
images of Double–click on the relevant entry. You will see the
the remote first image of the saved film sequence.
station Let the film run. To do this, use the recorder
buttons at the bottom of the image window.
Disconnect On the Connection menu, click the Disconnect
command and confirm the query as to wheter you
really want to disconnect with Yes.