D9412G/D7412G | Program Entry Guide | 7.0 RADXAXS EN | 131
Bosch Security Systems | 1/04 | 47775E
7.1 Door Profile
This programming category is used to:
• Assign an area, that also activates the D9210B
• Assign a point to the door
• Program the door state to change when the arm
state changes
• Allow for the Strike relay to activate upon a fire
Door #
Default: 20 seconds
Selection: 1 seconds to 8 seconds
Enter the number of the door you are about to
The D9412G supports up to eight doors.
The D7412G supports two doors.
D# Entry Area #
Default: Blank
Selection: Blank, 1 to 8
1 to 8
The area assigned to the door
controller to which the reader allows
Blank Door controller does not function.
Assign an area to the door controller. This entry
allows the D9210B to be polled, activating
communication to the control panel. This also is the
area a user exits when initiating a REX.
All SDI devices, regardless of area
assigned, report to Area 1, Account 1 by
default upon SDI failure. If a D9210B
becomes disconnected, an SDI Fail ##
and a Missing Point ### Event is created.
9210 NOT READY appears at this
command center when you press the
[ENTER] key if the D9210B is not
programmed with a D# Entry Area.
Default: Blank
Selection: Blank, 1 to 8
1 to 8
Determines disarming rights. The
user’s access level in conjunction with
CC # Scope
determines which
areas are disarmed.
Only the area assigned to the
Entry Area
disarms this door.
Enter the command center number (CC#) which
determines the scope of the user ID’s disarming
rights. Areas disarm on the basis of this command
center’s scope and the authority level of the user.
D# Door Point
Default: Blank
Selection: Blank, 1 to 127, 129 to 247
1 to 127,
129 to 247
The point number assigned to this
door. Points 128 and 248 are reserved
by the control panel for internal use.
Blank There is no point number assigned to
this door.
Enter the point number assigned to this door. This
point cannot be used for any other point
Door points must be programmed as
Perimeter points. If a 24-hour point type is
required for the Door point, you may use a
Perimeter point type with a point response
of 9 to C. Also, the debounce count must
be set to 4 in Point Assignments.
When assigning Points 1 to 8 (control
panel zones), the end-of-line (EOL)
resistors must be removed from the control
panel. In addition to this, do not enable any
POPIT points (or OctoPOPIT points)
sharing the same point number as the
Door point. Failure to do so results in extra
point trouble conditions upon reboot.