D9412G/D7412G | Program Entry Guide | 2.0 9000MAIN EN | 56
Bosch Security Systems | 1/04 | 47775E
Access Ctl Level
Default: P
Blank, E, or P
#37 Access Control Levels (MENU FUNCTION
Shows the current on/off state of control levels 1
through 14, pertaining to Access Control Only,
L## Access Level
L## Disarm Level
). It
allows the user to toggle levels on and off and
prevent access control levels from being valid during
an extended period. This change only affects the
user’s token/cards, it does not affect command
center Door Control functions.
Chg Display
Default: E
Blank, E, or P
#15 Change Display [COMMAND][4][9]
Use this function to select either a bright or dim
display with loud or soft command center warning
tones. You can also choose the time/date display.
Chg Time/Date
Default: E
Blank, E, or P
#16 Change Time and Date [COMMAND][4][5]
Use this function to set the time and date in the
control panel.
Chg Passcode
Default: P
Blank, E, or P
#17 Change Passcodes [COMMAND][5][5]
Use this function to change your passcode. This is a
panel-wide function that can be executed from any
command center assigned to an area where the user
has authority.
Regardless of whether an E or a P is
entered when a COMMAND 55 is
performed, the command center prompts
for the user’s current passcode first.
Add User
Default: P
Blank, E, or P
#18 Add User [COMMAND][5][6]
Use this function to add/change passcodes,
add/change tokens/cards and Sub-users, and
add/change control panel authority levels (L##) by
Del User
Default: P
Blank, E, or P
#19 Delete User [COMMAND][5][3]
Use this function to delete a user’s passcode and
tokens/cards. It does not delete user names.
This function deletes the passcode,
master user, and all sub-users associated
with the user number.
Extend Close
Default: P
Blank, E, or P
#20 Extend Close [COMMAND][5][1]
Use this function to change the expected closing
time for the area. The window cannot be adjusted
until the Close Early Begin time passes and the
Closing Window is active.
View Log
Default: E
Blank, E, or P
#21 View Log (MENU FUNCTION only)
Use this function to view all of the main events Door
Cycle and the main event modifiers By User in the
event log memory. User Name and Point Text are
NOT stored in the event log but appear when the
control panel matches them with both the user ID
### and the point ###.
Each main event takes up one line in the log. Each
modifier also takes up one line in the log.
The log in the control panel can store between 500
and 1000 events in the control panel log.