D9412G/D7412G | Program Entry Guide | 7.0 RADXAXS EN | 134
Bosch Security Systems | 1/04 | 47775E
D# Deact On Open?
Default: Yes
Selection: Yes or No
Yes Strike deactivates when the door is
opened after a valid Access Granted
Strike remains activated for the amount
of the programmed strike time whether
door is opened or closed.
Determines if the strike deactivates immediately
upon physically opening the door.
In order for this function to work, a point
needs to be assigned to the door.
To Reduce False Alarms, maintain D#
Deact on Open? as the default (Yes). This
helps prevent the door from bouncing
open and causing a false alarm.
D# RTE Shunt Only?
Default: No
Selection: Yes or No
Yes Programmed shunt time activates so
door can be manually opened.
RTE automatically activates the
programmed strike and shunt time.
Use this program item to disable the strike, but still
activate the programmed shunt time upon a Request
to Exit (REX) area.
Use this parameter when a user can open
a door manually without relying on a
token/card to activate the strike (such as
with a push bar).
When RTEShunt Only is Yes, RTE Events
are not logged, reported, or printed.
D# REXShunt Only?
Default: No
Selection: Yes or No
Yes Programmed shunt time activates so
the door can be manually opened.
REX automatically activates the
programmed strike and shunt time.
Use this program item to disable the strike, but still
activate the programmed shunt time upon a REX an
Use this parameter when a user can open
a door manually without relying on a
token/card to activate the strike (such as
with a push bar).
When REXShunt Only is Yes, REX
Events are not logged, reported, or
7.3 Event Profile
This programming category is used to determine if
events are created for:
• Access Granted and Access Denied
• Door Requests
• Door state changes due to manual (command
center) or automatic scheduled or armed state
changes (skeds/hold open on disarm, normal on
armed) operation.
Door #
Default: 1
Selection: 1 to 8
Enter the door you are about to program.
RTE Events require Access Granted to be
programmed Yes.