DS7400Xi ( 4+) Reference Guide Copyright © 2007 Bosch Security Systems, Inc. P/N: F01U035325-01 Page 19
6.0 Glossary
6.1 General Control Programming
• Normal Arming - [PIN] + [On]: If programmed, arms the entire
system while allowing entry delays for entry/exit zones.
• Perimeter Instant Arming - [PIN] + [No Entry] [Perimeter Only]: If
programmed, arms only the perimeter of the system and does
not allow entry delays for entry/exit zones.
• Perimeter Arming - [PIN] + [Perimeter Only]: If programmed,
arms only the perimeter of the system while allowing entry delays
for entry/exit zones.
• Custom Arming - [PIN] + [#] [4]: If programmed, allows custom
arming of the system and bypasses the zone functions specified
in data addresses 2725-2728.
• Maximum Security Arming - [PIN] + [No Entry] [On]: If
programmed, arms the entire system and does not allow an
entry delay for entry/exit zones.
• General Authority by Partition
A general (level 2) authority can be programmed to have arm-
only authority; arm and bypass authority; arm and disarm
authority; or arm, disarm, and bypass authority by partition. This
is done at addresses 3421-3424.
- Arm-only access by partition allows someone with a General
Authority to arm zones in a partition he can not disarm.
- This level can still be used to arm, disarm, and bypass zones
in the other partitions that it has access to.
• Closing Ring-Back: If programmed, the keypad sounders and
Bell will activate for 2 seconds after the system is armed and the
closing report is successfully sent. This requires Closing Ring-
Back and Closing Report to be programmed.
- If a closing report is not programmed, the control will test for a
dial tone when the system is armed. If the test passes, the
system will arm normally. If the test fails, the system will arm,
but will indicate a trouble condition.
- The DS7447/DS7447E keypad will display “Communication
Err” after [#] [8] [7] is entered.
• Siren on Comm. Fail for Silent Zone: If programmed, a silent
zone will sound the alarm outputs if the zone is in an alarm
condition and the system fails to communicate with the central
• Restore when Sounders Silence: If programmed, a zone sends
a restoral report and is ready to activate again only after the
burglary bell cut-off time expires or the bells are silenced.
- The zone can alarm multiple times per armed period.
• Restore when Zone Restores: If programmed, a zone sends a
restoral report and is ready to activate again as soon as it
physically restores.
- This zone can alarm multiple times per armed period.
• Restore when System Disarms: If programmed, a zone sends
a restoral report when the system is disarmed.
- It can only alarm once per armed period.
• Allow Swinger Shunts: If programmed, a zone can only alarm
or trouble up to three times per armed period. After the third
alarm or trouble, the zone will be bypassed and a bypass report
will be sent.
NOTE: Swinger Shunts are not allowed on UL Certificated
6.2 Zone Function Programming
• Zone Function
A Zone Function is the description of how a particular zone will
behave (e.g. steady alarm output, bypassing allowed, alarm on
short, trouble on open, perimeter instant).
- There are many possible zone functions. Up to 30 different
zone functions are allowed per control.
- Zone functions may be custom made as needed.
- Each zone must be programmed as a specific zone function.
Any number and combination of zones may be programmed
as particular zone functions.
- Program zone functions at addresses 0001-0030.
• Invisible Alarms: This is a zone programmed not to have an
alarm output or an alarm display at any keypad when activated.
An alarm signal will be sent, but the DS7447/DS7447E keypad
display will read “Not Ready” while this zone is violated.
- Invisible Alarm zones are recommended for holdup alarms.
• Silent Alarms: This is a zone programmed to activate the visual
display at the keypad, but not audible signals.
- If this zone is also an entry zone, an entry tone will sound when
this zone is activated.
• Bypassing Allowed: This is a zone programmed to allow
bypassing (shunting). This is done using the bypass command
or the force-arming sequence.
• Alarm on Short: This is a zone programmed to activate an
alarm when its loop is shorted.
• Alarm on Open: This is a zone programmed to activate an
alarm when its loop is opened.
• Trouble on Open: This is a zone programmed to activate a
trouble when its loop is opened and the system is disarmed.
- If the system is armed, this zone will activate an alarm if shorted
or opened.
- For 24-hour zones, regardless of the arming state of the panel,
this always remains as a Trouble on Open.
• Trouble on Short: This is a zone programmed to activate a
trouble when its loop is shorted and the system is disarmed.
- If the system is armed, this zone will activate an alarm if shorted
or opened.
- For 24-hour zones, regardless of the arming state of the panel,
this always remains as a Trouble on Short.
• Interior Delayed: This is a zone programmed to be ignored
during the entry/exit delay period. If it is violated when the system
is armed, it will activate a delay for the programmed entry delay
time. The keypad pre-alert sounders will activate and the system
may be disarmed during this delay period. If the system is not
disarmed during this delay period, this zone will activate an alarm.
This zone is bypassed by Perimeter Instant or Perimeter Armed.
• Perimeter Instant: This is a zone programmed to activate an
alarm even during the entry/exit delay period.
• 24-Hour: This is a zone programmed to activate when its loop is
faulted, even if the system is disarmed.
• Entry/Exit Delay #1: This is a zone programmed to be ignored
during the entry/exit delay period.
- If it is violated while the system is armed, it will activate a delay
for the amount of time programmed for entry delay time #1
(address 4028). The keypad pre-alert sounders will activate
and the system may be disarmed during this delay period.
- If the system is not disarmed during the entry period, this zone
will activate an alarm.