Page 4 P/N: F01U035325-01 Copyright © 2007 Bosch Security Systems, Inc. DS7400Xi (4+) Reference Guide
1.0 Specifications
1.1 Enclosure Housing
The standard enclosure is manufactured from 20 Guage (1.0 mm),
cold-rolled steel, and measures 12.5 by 14.5 by 3 inch (31.8 by
36.8 by 7.6 cm) (HxWxD). A keyed lock is included, and this enclosure
has provision for an optional tamper switch (required for
commercial burglary applications) for monitoring the door.
1.2 Storage and Operating Temperature
• Temperature: +32°F to +120°F (0°C to +49°C)
1.3 Power
NOTE: The total current output capacity for all auxiliary devices,
including keypads and smoke detectors = 1.5 A standby,
2.5 A alarm. The following ratings are maximum values.
The total combined output cannot exceed the maximum
load current.
• Input power: 18 VAC, 50 VA, 50 Hz./60 Hz.
• Auxiliary power: 12 VDC, 1.0 A max.
• UL Listed Alarm Power Output: 12 VDC, 1.75 A max.
• Auxiliary power voltage range: 12 V special application
• Optional Standby battery (P334): 12 V, 7.0 Ah - 35 Ah max.
• Control panel current draw: 175 mA, Standby
250 mA, Alarm
1.4 Outputs
• Alarm Output: 12 VDC, 1.75 A output. Can be programmed
for steady or pulsed output.
• Programmable Solid state current sink (1.0 A max.). Shorts to
Aux. negative when activated. Connect device
to Aux. power positive. Can be used for alarm,
arming state, or access control.** This output
is generally programmable.
• Programmable Solid state voltage source (500 mA max.). Can
be used for alarm, arming state, or access
control.** This output is generally
programmable. For use with such compatible
devices as the Listed DS250 with a 4-wire
* = Current draw should be subtracted from either maximum
auxiliary or maximum alarm current draw.
** = Not investigated to the requirements of UL294.
1.5 Zones
• 8 on-board zones. Up to 248 total zones with expansion modules.
• Zone Response Time: 300 ms.
1.6 Keypads
• Maximum # of keypads: 15 Keypads
• Maximum wire length each: 1000 feet (305 m)
• Maximum wire length total: 6000 feet (1830 m) in system
• Wire type: 4 conductor, unshielded, #22 AWG
(0.8 mm) “Telephone quad” or #18
AWG (1.0 mm) quad wiring can be
home-run or daisy- chained.
NOTE: No more than 2 keypads (#22 AWG) or 3 keypads (#18
AWG) are recommended on any 1000 foot (305 m) run.
NOTE: Shared cable is not recommended for keypad, multiplex,
options bus, telephone, or siren wiring.
1.7 Communicator
Will report to two phone numbers with full single, double and back-
up reporting. Communicates in SIA (110 or 300 baud), 3/1, 3/1 Ext.,
3/1 with Parity, 3/1 Ext. with Parity, 4/1, 4/2, BFSK, Contact ID, and
Pager formats.
FCC Registration Number is ESVUSA-75333-AL-E
The ringer equivalence is 0.1B
Commercial Fire CSFM Listing Number is 7165-1062:113
Residential Fire CSFM Listing Number is 7167-1062:114
1.8 Partitions
The system has the capacity for 8 independent partitions. One
partition may be a common area.
1.9 Users
The DS7400Xi Ver 4+ system allows up to 200 individual users.
Each user will have his own PIN number (the 4- or 6-digit code
entered at the keypads) and his own authority level (to determine
which functions he may perform).
1.10 Lightning Protection
MOVs and spark gaps provide protection from lightning surges
and static discharges.
1.11 Burglar/Fire Zone Inputs
• Number of circuits: 8 Circuits on-board
• End-of-line resistor: 2.2 kΩ (P/N 25899, provided)
• Loop resistance tolerance: 60 ohms
1.12 Fire Signal Initiating Circuit (2-wire mode)
Fire circuit will work with 2- or 4-wire detectors and has optional
alarm verification.
• Number of circuits: 8 Circuits on-board
• Type of circuit: Class B, latching
• End-of-line resistor: 2.2 kΩ (P/N 25899, provided)
• Supervisory current: 5.5 mA
• Maximum short circuit current: 22 mA
• Maximum line resistance: 60 ohms
• Circuit voltage range: 8.5 to 14.1 VDC
• Total detector standby current: 2.5 mA
1.13 Multiplex Bus Wiring Requirements
NOTE: Do not use twisted-pair or shielded cable. Do not share
cable with the keypad lines.
• #22 AWG (0.8 mm). Up to 2000 feet (610 m) per system.
• #18 AWG (1.0 mm). Up to 5000 feet (1525 m) per system.
1.13.1 Multiplex Zone Loop Wiring
• Maximum wire length not to exceed 500 feet (150m) regardless
of the wire gauge.
1.14 Option Bus Wiring Requirements
• Maximum wire length 1000 feet (305 m) per home-run.
Output 1*
Output 2*
NOTE: Fire Systems installed under NFPA-72 or UL Listed Fire
Systems require the use of 18 AWG or larger wire.