Page 48 P/N: F01U035325-01 Copyright © 2007 Bosch Security Systems, Inc. DS7400Xi (4+) Reference Guide
10.16 Commercial Fire Mode Programming: Program Address (2733)
This section describes how to define the parameters for the Commercial Fire Mode.
See Glossary (section 6.11) for further details.
When programming Fire zones, it is recommended that they be zone functions 12 and 13 (see sections 10.2, 10.4 and 10.16.3).
10.16.1 When Central Station Commercial Fire Mode is chosen, address 4021 (DS7420i: Dual Phone Line/Bell Supervision Mod-
ule Output Programming), will be forced to a value of 5.
10.16.2 When Local Commercial Fire Mode is chosen, address 4021 (DS7420i: Dual Phone Line/Bell Supervision Module Output
Programming),will be forced to a value of 3, 4, or 5. (Turns the Bell Monitor feature ON and the Alarm Output on Line Fault feature
10.16.3 Regardless of which Commercial Fire Mode is chosen, the following parameters will be forced when exiting local
programmer’s mode:
• Zone Function 12, address 0012, will be a 7 *0. (Alarm on Short, Trouble on Open, Pulsing Fire with verification)
• Zone Function 13, address 0013, will be a 7 *1. (Alarm on Short, Trouble on Open, Pulsing Fire without verification)
• Zone Function 14, address 0014, will be a 7 *2. (Alarm on Short, Trouble on Open, Pulsing Water Flow)
• Zone Function 15, address 0015, will be a 7 *3. (Alarm on Short, Trouble on Open, Pulsing Supervisory)
• Zone Bypass address 2722 will not allow zone functions 12 - 15 to be bypassed.
• Emergency Key, address 3147, data digit 1, will become a 3 if programmed previously as a 2. Data digit 2 will become a 2 if
programmed previously as a 3.
• Panic Key, address 3148, data digit 1, will become a 2 if programmed previously as a 3.
• Fire Bell Cutoff, address 4032: If less than 5, set to 5, otherwise untouched.
• The AC Fail Report delay will be random between 6-12 hours regardless of the delay time programmed in 4034. Also, the AC Fail
Report will not be sent as a “tag-along.”
10.16.4 In Central Station Commercial Fire Mode, the following communication parameters will be forced:
Report Codes: If 0, the following defaults will be set, otherwise they will be unchanged.
• Phone Control (address 3156): If 0, set to 6 1, 4/2 @ 18/23, 10pps, otherwise untouched.
• Test Report (address 4026): Set to 8, call out every day.