SC & SI Remote Interface Description en | 19
Bosch Security Systems B.V. | 2003 December | SC & SI Remote Interface Description
5 System Installation Functions
5.1 Introduction
The system installation functions provide functionality to connect unit identification with the seat numbers
used within the congress-hall. This process is also called seat-assignment. This chapter defines the set of
remote functions needed for system installation. Each description is according to the definition given in
section 3.1.1.
Start the installation mode. The remote controller can choose among 2 modes of installation, which are:
Mode Description
Global installation mode. When activating this mode, the CCU stops all
applications running and only runs the installation application. When the
function is successfully executed, the CCU has changed the system mode
from congress to config.
Entering the system mode config enables the update notification
SI_C_REGISTER_UNIT which informs the remote controller about
someone pressing a soft-key on a unit. The remote controller must use this
notification message to link the unit with a seat.
By pressing a soft-key on all units in order of the seat-numbers the remote
controller can build a list of units with the seat-numbers as index. An
example using this mode is presented in appendix Appendix C.
Operational installation mode. During this mode all applications keep on
running. The CCU remains in the congress mode.
No special update notification for registration will be enabled. The remote
controller must select a proposed unit and the seat-number must be
searched to link them together.
To finish the installation the remote controller must execute the function SI_C_STOP_INSTALL.
This function is available in CCU system mode congress.
Parameter structure for the function
The function requires the following information as parameter:
WORD wInstallMode;
The installation mode to be used. This parameter can have one
of the following values:
Response structure from the function
The function has no response parameters.
Error codes returned
SI_E_FAILED (SI mode already in use)
Update Notifications
Related functions
This function stops the installation started with the function SI_C_START_INSTALL. The CCU will return to
normal congress mode if that is not the current system mode. The selected units will be deselected.