SC & SI Remote Interface Description en | 4
Bosch Security Systems B.V. | 2003 December | SC & SI Remote Interface Description
2 System configuration and system installation
2.1 Introduction
The System Configuration and System Installation Remote Interface is part of the DCN software which allows
another controlling entity, not being the DCN Control PC, to use the System Configuration and System
Installation applications.
2.2 Remote System Configuration and System Installation
System Configuration (SC) is the application that monitors the hardware configuration of the congress system
and the link between hardware items and user information. Typical SC issues are, e.g. checking the
communication status, determining the system mode and replacing units.
System Installation (SI) is the application that allows for assigning seatnumbers to units to create a one to one
link between a unique user chosen identifier and a congress unit in the conference hall.
Maintaining the system configuration or performing a system installation with a remote interface is done by
means of calling a defined set of Remote Functions and acting upon a defined set of Update Notifications.
The general concept of remote functions and update notifications is described in [SRS_INF]. [SRS_INF] also
defines the protocol and hardware conditions concerning the remote interface. This document gives the set of
remote functions and the set of update notifications concerning SC and SI. The relation between remote
function and update notifications is given in the description of each separate remote function.
The system configuration and system installation process however, are also influenced by the actions of the
users performed upon the actual units. Actions such as pressing the microphone button or disconnecting a
unit from the system also results in update notifications being sent to the remote controller. The relation
between unit/user events and update notifications can be found in the user event matrices in sections 4.1.2
en 6.1.1.
2.3 System Modes
To understand the SC and SI functions, one should have some knowledge on the behaviour of the CCU
depending on the various so called system modes. This section gives a brief, although complete, description
of these modes.
The CCU system as a whole is always running in one of the system modes. Each application on the CCU has
its own behaviour in each system mode. The purpose of the system mode is to have a clear division of
functions and an easy way of separating them. It should be impossible for instance to start the installation
mode while the CCU is still booting, i.e. the CCU is in the Init-mode.
The following system modes are used:
init One time mode after start-up of the CCU. The CCU can
start with default data (defined as ‘cold start’), or with data
the last time used (so called ‘warm start’).
config In this system mode the DCN configuration can be
changed, for instance installing units, assigning
seatnumbers, assigning audio channels etc.
congress This is the 'normal' system mode. In this mode most
applications will do their work, for instance starting a
voting round, turning on a microphone, interpreting etc.
maintenance In this system mode the DCN system can be maintained,
for instance testing microphones, testing audio channels,
factory testing and equalisation.
download In this system mode new CCU software can be
down One time system mode just before shutdown of the CCU.
Figure 1 below gives an overview of possible system mode changes.