SC & SI Remote Interface Description en | 28
Bosch Security Systems B.V. | 2003 December | SC & SI Remote Interface Description
if (error != SI_E_NOERROR)
/* do error handling */
This ends the global seat assignment. The remote controller has now a complete list of all seats and their
corresponding unit-numbers.
C.2. Replacing defective units during operation
This example shows how the remote controller can assign a seat to a unit in the conference hall which is
replaced by a new unit (due to failure of the old unit).
Assumed is that previously all units have been assigned a seat-number on the remote controller. After
detection that a unit fails, the following actions are performed by the technical staff of the conference hall:
1. The defective unit is removed from the system. Note that disconnecting the unit also may
disconnect other (chained) units.
2. A new unit is inserted into the unit-chain and connected to the system.
3. The new unit is de-initialised, and initialised again to be sure that the added unit has no
address conflict with other units.
During these actions the following notifications are reported to the remote controller (assumed is that the
application SC is registered by the CCU:
• Microphone off notifications if any of the disconnected units has their microphone on or
had a pending request (present in the Request To Speak list).
• SC_C_DISCONNECT_UNIT for all units in the chain disconnected. The remote controller
remembers these units to disable the functionality.
• SC_C_CONNECT_UNIT for all units connected. Most of the unit-numbers are known in
the disconnect-list and can be restored (e.g. the functionality will be enabled). The new
unit(s) connected to the system is not known.
For these units the remote controller must start the operational installation mode. The operational installation
mode is activated using the following remote function request:
if (error != SI_E_NOERROR)
/* do error handling */
After this the CCU has enabled the operational installation mode. The remote controller can start the
sequence to assign the new unit-numbers to seats not yet assigned.
while (there are new units and unassigned seats)
WORD wUnitId;
wUnitId = First_new_unit_available;
/* select the unit */
error = SI_Select_Unit (wUnitId, TRUE);
if (error != SI_E_NOERROR)
/* do error handling */
/* Let the operater determine which seat should be assigned to the selected
unit. Normally the operator will view which unit is flashing, checks the
seat-number and pass the seat-number found to the remote controller.
The seat-number is stored in the variable ‘wSeatNumber’
/* assign the current seat to the unit */
MyAssignSeat (wSeatNumber, wUnitId);
/* assignment finished, deselect the unit */
error = SI_Select_Unit (wUnitId, FALSE);
if (error != SI_E_NOERROR)
/* do error handling */