Shooting with a Flash
Flash shot with Speedlite 550EX
Macro Ring Lite MR-14EX and Macro Twin Lite MT-24EX can also be used as the
master unit, and Speedlite 420EX can also be used as a slave unit.
FE Lock
The procedure for setting FE lock is the same as with the built-in flash (→p.100). FE lock
works in both the normal flash and high-speed sync (FP flash) modes.
Flash Exposure Compensation
For flash shots with flash exposure compensation, see “Flash Exposure Compensation” for the
built-in flash. (→p.101)
Flash exposure compensation can also be set with certain EX-series Speedlites. If flash
exposure compensation is set with both the Speedlite and camera, the Speedlite’s flash
exposure compensation setting will override the camera's.
Modeling Flash
Modeling flash allows you to see shadows, light balance, and other effects produced by multi-
flash settings.
Check that the camera and Speedlite are
properly set for flash shot.
Press the camera’s depth-of-field pre-
view button.
The 550EX will fire a series of flashes for 1 sec. at
70 Hz.
Wireless Multi-Flash/E-TTL Autoflash Shooting
Speedlite 550EX has the following three features:
(1) E-TTL autoflash
(2) Slave unit feature
(3) Master unit feature for wireless control of 550EX slave units
By using the above features, you can set up a wireless E-TTL autoflash system with multiple
Speedlite 550EXs.
You can also set a flash output ratio for up to three groups of Speedlites. Also main and sub
Speedlites can create the desired flash lighting effect.
For details, see the 550EX and ST-E2’s Instructions booklet.