• The card slot can be shared by multiple computers, if the machine is connected to a network. Multiple
computers can read files from a memory card in the card slot at the same time.
• If your computer joins a domain, the card slot may not be mounted as the network drive.
• If you use the memory card stored the large size files or many files, a large amount of card access
may be generated. In this case, the operation in the memory card may be impossible or slow. Operate
after the Access lamp of the machine is lit.
• When you access the network drive for the card slot over the network, file names consisting of eight
or less lowercase letters (not including its extension) may be shown in uppercase.
For example, a file name such as "abcdefg.doc" will be "ABCDEFG.DOC", while a name such as
"AbcdeFG.doc" will appear the same.
The file is not actually renamed, but merely appears to be changed.
• Disable the function to write files to a memory card from a computer to read files from a memory card
over a network.