Sending Faxes by Entering Fax/Telephone Number
• If FAX number re-entry in Security control under FAX settings is set to ON, enter the
number again.
Security control
Manual redialing:
Tap Redial and select a number in the outgoing call logs.
Manual Redialing
When you hear a high-pitched signal, press the Color button or the Black button.
Press the Color button for color transmission, or the Black button for black & white transmission.
• Color transmission is available only when the recipient's fax machine supports color faxing.
• To cancel a fax transmission, press the Stop button. To cancel a fax transmission while it is in
progress, press the Stop button, then follow the instructions on the touch screen.
• If documents remain in the ADF after the Stop button is pressed while scanning is in progress,
Document in ADF. Tap [OK] to eject document. is displayed on the touch screen. By tapping OK, the
remaining documents are automatically ejected.