Since there is no BJ cartridge (print head)
installed, the printing and suction that were
required could not be executed.
<Suspect Part>
BJ cartridge, carriage unit
(a) The print head temperature (output value of
the head's internal diode sensor) exceeded the
(b) BJ cartridge EEPROM's checksum
<Suspect Part>
BJ cartridge
The total waste ink count recorded in the
EEPROM exceeds 95% of the "full" stipulated
<Suspect Part>
Waste ink absorber, control board
User-Unresolvable Errors
The carriage's encoder signal is abnormal.
<Suspect Part>
Encoder film, carriage unit, control board, flex
The carriage's encoder signal is abnormal.
<Suspect Part>
Encoder film, paper feed sensor unit, control
At the sensor's ON timing, it turns OFF. Or vice
<Suspect Part>
Purge unit, control board
The temperature sensor (TH401) on the control
board is abnormal (disconnected, etc.).
<Suspect Part>
Control board
The waste ink absorber has reached 100% of the
waste ink capacity.
<Suspect Part> Waste ink absorber, control board
The print head temperature (output of the diode
sensor in the head) is close to the threshold.
<Suspect Part>
BJ cartridge (print head), control board
Part 2: Troubleshooting