1.2.1 Print drive control
Print driving is executed as follows:
a) The nozzles to be heated are selected in blocks.
The nozzles to be heated are selected according to logical blocks of 16 nozzles
divided from among the nozzle arrays.
In the case of the black nozzles, they are divided into 10 blocks.
The top-to-bottom sequence of the ten blocks will be BLE0 to BLE15. For example,
in the case of BLE0, it will be as shown in the figure below. Ten nozzles will be
selected in this case.
b) The nozzles to be heated are selected individually.
Among the 10 nozzles selected, the nozzles to be heated or not are selected. This is
determined by DATA0 to DADA.
c) Determining whether to heat a nozzle or not.
The final decision to heat a nozzle or not is decided with the heat enable signal
(HE1/HE2). Only the nozzles in the heat block selected by the heat enable signal
are heated.
Part 3: Technical Reference