
YOU can easilychange thecolorsinan image when itisshotforboth
stills and movies, allowing you to enjoy producing various effects.
Depending on the shooting conditions, however, the images may
appear rough, or you may not get the expected color. Before
photographing important subjects, we recommend taking trial shots
and checking the results. By setting the [Save Original] function
(p. 56) to [On] when shooting stills, you can also record both the
altered image and the original, unaltered image.
Color Accent Shoot with all colors, with _heexception of the color
specif_d in the LCD monitor, inblack and white.
Specify a color in the LCD monitor,and shootwith
another color replacing the one specified. The specified
Color Swap
color can ony be swappedw th one other co or.
_] epending on scene being shot, the ISO speed may increase,
increasing the amount of noise in the image.
Shooting with Color Accent Mode
1 Use the or 1_ button to select
[] (Color Accent) _ SET button.
The camera will switch to color input
mode, and the display will alternate
between the original image and the
Color Accent image (using the
previously set color).
/. Aim the camera so that the color you wish to retain
appears at the center of the LCD monitor (or
viewfinder) and press the button.
Only one color can be specified.
You can use the or button to specify the range of the
colors that are retained.
-5: Only takes the color that you want to retain.
+5: Also takes colors close to the one that you want to retain.