and EMPTY when this key is pressed.
Since the bin, even when empty, weighs about 1300 grams, it
is necessary on initial setup of equipment to instruct the
controller of the exact tare weight of the empty bin.
Slight drift in the tare or zero weight during day to day
operation is normal. All weight calculations automatically
compensate for this drift. However, when the bin is empty,
if the weight displayed is more than 50 grams above or below
zero, then you may wish to reset the electronics to display
zero when the bin is empty.
If, when the bin is empty, the weight displayed is greater
than 100, or less than -50, (Parameters TH and TL), the
dispense cycle will not begin. Instead, the dump valve will
repeatedly try to dump any material it thinks is in the bin
or will sound the alarm if weight is below -50. If the load
cell calibrations have drifted this far, it is absolutely
necessary to reset empty bin weight to zero. These minimum
and maximum tare weights are set by the TL and TH
parameters. See PARAMETERS, TL and TH for more info.
Allow system to be on for at least 5 minutes to allow for
warm up of certain components before setting ZERO or FULL
Generally, when zero weight shifts, the full weight reading
shifts the same amount. For this reason, resetting the ZERO
WT automatically shifts the FULL WT readout by the same
amount. Resetting the ZERO weight usually is all that is
necessary to also calibrate the FULL weight.
ZERO WT. must be entered before FULL WT. to achieve proper
calibration. The FULL WT. key will not function until you
have set ZERO WT. as described above.
If you wish to reset the controller for proper full-weight
scale display, use any known weight as close to full bin
weight as possible. Do not exceed 9999 grams. Place this
weight in the bin and press the FULL WT. key. The display
will show five dashes (FUL-----). Now enter the actual
weight in grams of the item you are weighing.
AGAIN, both FULL WT. and ZERO WT. have been set at the
factory. A drift of several grams from these settings is
normal and should not be of any concern. Recalibration
should be considered only if ZERO is more than 20 grams off
or FULL WT. is more than 50 grams off. These errors do not
prevent proper proportions from being dispensed. ZERO error
is always "tared" for proper weighing of each component.
FULL scale error will only cause accumulated totals to be
off by the degree of this error. The primary function of
the AUTOWEIGH BLENDER is to dispense materials in the
proper ratios. Because all components are weighed by the
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