This parameter times how long the weigh bin dump valve opens to
empty. No change is required.
KDF 00002 Maximum variation in GRAMS between two consecutive weight
WDF 00002 readings for reading to be accepted. (x or x.x)
KDF controls sensitivity of weight readings during calibration of
load cells. No change is required.
WDF controls the sensitivity of weight readings during normal
operation. If excessive vibration interferes with weight
readings you may have to increase this number.
BER 00200 Excess GRAM weight before dispense is aborted.
This parameter controls sensitivity of the emergency "bailout"
routine that prevents overfilling of the weigh bin.
No change is required.
ROC 00000 These three parameters help control regrind usage.
ROV 00000
RHL 00000
ROC indicates the PERCENT of REGRIND that will be treated as
natural when COLOR and ADDITIVE dispenses are calculated.
This adds some color or additive to your regrind.
ROV is for closed loop fully automatic reprocessing of regrind
scrap. This parameter will detect when more regrind is being
produced than consumed, and override the current setting to
use a higher amount. This helps prevent material backing up
in your grinder.
RHL has effect only if level sensors are added to your unit to
detect material level in the regrind hopper. These level
sensors can alter regrind percent usage.
FUL 09000 Full batch weight, determined by weigh bin size.
MAX 13500 Maximum GRAM weight the software will target.
FUL is the target weight that is blended each cycle. Change only
for extremely fluffy or very heavy material.
MAX prevents overflowing of the weigh bin. It is reset
automatically if the FUL parameter is changed.
TH 01000 The highest and lowest acceptable TARE weights for
TL 00500 blend cycle to start. (full or tenth grams)
TL prevents starting with the weigh bin out of place. No change
is required.
TH prevents starting with a full weigh bin. Change TH only if
clumps of material hang up in the weigh bin.
PRT 00000 MINUTE interval between automatic print of TOTALS.
This parameter will cause your system to PRINT MATERIAL TOTALS
automatically. A printer must be connected.
DLY 00488 Delay before cycle start. (interrupts)
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