This parameter is the time that the sensor must be uncovered
before a cycle will begin.
PRC 00010 Maximum allowable PERCENT rate change per cycle.
This prevents excessive swings in flow rates by the software. Do
not change.
STL 00122 Dispense settle TIME before a weight reading is taken.
The time (interrupts) allowed for material to SETTLE in the weigh
bin before a weight is taken. Lengthen only to slow the next
cycle start, thereby lowering the pile of material in the mix
chamber, and, in some cases, improving mixing.
LCL 00080 LOAD CELL limits, low slope, high slope, frequency, zero.
LCH 00120 DO NOT CHANGE except for different weight load cells.
LCF 00079
LCZ 00583
The above 4 parameters relate to the characteristics of the LOAD
CELLS on your blender. DO NOT CHANGE THEM.
DS1 00000 Thumbwheel switch override setting.
DS2 00000
The above 2 parameters allow external computer inputs to alter
the thumbwheel switch settings. They are used on computer
controlled dispense systems, using MLAN software.
XCV 00000 Extrusion control voltage output value
XRC 00001 Rate of change of above value
TCV 00000 Takeoff equipment voltage output value
TRC 00004 Rate of change of above value
XTP 50050 Trip point to force a correction
XAL 00005 Percentage adjustment limit
XUL 00200 Voltage adjustment limit
The above 7 parameters all relate to Extrusion Control Systems.
MPO 00010 For air drive reciprocating mix motor.
MCT 00000 Monitor Cycle Time
Alarms if normal cycle timing exceeds previous cycle time by a
specified amount. Used to detect mechanical failures.
COMPONENT PARAMETERS (12 Groups of 13 parameters each)
The first digit is the component number. Component 1 is shown here.
There are 11 more just like it.
1TY = OFF DESIGNATES MATERIAL TYPE for this component.
Material types are: REG, NAT, ADD, or OFF=NOT USED.
(0=OFF, 1=REG, 2=NAT, 3=ADD)
These MUST be set using the *14 function before the system will
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