
§™Video BIOS
This option is selectable between ° Degault VB°±and ° Updated VB°±. Once
it has both video BIOS in the system,you can select which video BIOS
will be used by the internal graphic device. This option is automatically
BIOS will be used by the internal graphic device. This opton is
automatically switched to ° Updqted VB°±upon the end of a successfully
updqte pro c e s s .
The video BIOS update process is invoked by pressing a hot-key combination
during the POST process, but prior ro turn on the system an invoke the process, you
need to get the video BIOS updqte files from intel, prepare a floppy and place it into
the driver. Those simple steps are described bellow. The update process takes only
10 to 15 seconds.
a. Getting update files
The updqte pack is composed by a set of 2 files that will make available in its
web site or given in any other kind of media. The files must be named
WVBIOS. VID and WVBIOS. SIG The °ÆV I D °Øfile is the actual video BIOS and
°ÆS I G°Øfile is a signature file used by the validation process to confirm the
video BIOS authenticity.
b. Preparing a floppy
Specific actions are necessary on preparing a floppy for the update pro c e s s ,
once the ° file reading capabilities°±and ° copy the WVBIOS.VID and
WWBIOS. SIG files to it without do any other write operation,°±
c. Updating the system
To update the video BIOS, it is only necessary to place the floppy on the
d r i v e r, turn the system on and press the hot<CTRL-F1> during the boot
p rocess. The time to issue the hot key is announced by a message(same time
to press F2 to go into setup) and if you°Øre using the quiet boot, just pre s s
ESC kiy to go to log screen, You can also press the hot key when you see
quiet boot logo.
CT6600øµπÆmenual 89.6.16 11:13 AM ‰¿Ã¡ˆ26