
To clear the current password, just hit <Enter> on New Password and
c o n f i rm Password.(Maximum 5 characters can be used for a password.)
¡áPassword on boot
D e t e r mines whether the password will be asked for in every boot(Enabled),
or when entering in to the SETUP pro g r a m ( D i s a l d e d ) .
Refer to the item named SET SUPERVISOR PSSWORD for the password
s e t t i n g .
¡áDiskette access
This item allow you to control access to diskette drives.
Set to ‘Supervisor’, access to the FDD is allowed only to the supervisor.
¡áFixed disk boot sector
If ‘Write protect’ is set forthis option , the boot sector of the hard disk is write-
p r otected to against viruses.
(Note: This must be set to Normal to transmit system files of the hard disk or to
format the hard disk.)
¡áVirus check reminder
If Daily’, ‘Weekely’, or ‘Monthly’ is selected, the system prompts the user
with remi nder for virus check at respective intervals.
¡áSystem backup reminder
If ‘Daily’, ‘Weekely’, or ‘Monthly’ is selected, the system prompts the user with
reminder for system backup at boot-up.
¡áPower Supply Control
This item allows you to select a method to power on by keyboard.
(Note: USB keyboards cant be used to power on.)
§™Disabled: Disable the keyboard power on.
§™PC 98-KBD. It allows you to power on thr system by the PC98
keyboards Power Button.
BIOS Setup
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