d. Skip loading the video BIOS patch
°Øs possible
during the POST, to skip the updated patch and load the defaul one instead.
This is accomplished by pressing the hot key<CTRL-O>(in the same time to
p r ess F2for setup). The system then do are-boot and load the default video
BIOS.Keep in mind that system then do are-boot and load the defult video
BIOS. Keep in mind that in the next boot. if you want to select perm a n e i t l y
the default video BIOS, you need to go to setup applicaton and select
° ∞Default VB°±for ° ∞Video BIOS°Øo p t i o n .
§™Enable memory Hole; If enabled, turn system RAM off to free
address space for use with an option card.
Either a 16KB conventional CD hole, starting at 880KB(DC000h), or a
1MBextended memory gap, starting at 15MB, will be created in
system RAM.
§™Frequetly Ratio: Selet the internal frequency multiplier of the CPU.
BIOS Setup
CT6600øµπÆmenual 89.6.16 11:13 AM ∆‰¿Ã¡ˆ27