Keyword 2000 to RS-
01/20/04 Page 10 of 20
4.4 Keyword 2000 Messages
4.4.1 Keyword 2000 Commands
The following commands may transmitted to the SAINT.
Header ID Description Data Bytes
2Ch 02h Set Tester Address 1 byte Tester Address (Default – F1h)
2Ch 03h Set ECU Address 1 byte ECU Address (Default – 11h)
2Ch 04h Disable/Enable P1 and P2 Error Reporting 1 byte (00 = Disable and 01 = Enable)
2Ch 05h Disable Force Checksum (Default) 1 byte (00h)
2Ch 05h Enable Forced Checksum (error generation) 2 bytes (01h then Checksum byte)
2Ch 06h Disable/Enable Fast Initialization Sequence
(Note: Node-to-Node Communication disables
Fast Wakeup Pattern and Start Comm message)
1 byte (see below)
00 = Tester-to-Node Communication
01 = Node-to-Node Communication
2Ch 07h Addressing Mode 1 byte (see below)
00 = Physical Addressing (default)
01 = Functional Addressing
2Ch 08h Length included in Format Byte 1 byte (see below)
00 = Length not in Format Byte (default)
01 = Length included in Format Byte
2Ch 09h
Set Baud Rate
(More Baud rates can be added as needed.)
1 byte (see below)
00 = 10400 Baud (default)
01 = 9600 Baud
02 = 19200 Baud
03 = 38400 Baud
04 = 57600 Baud
05 = 115200 Baud
2Ch 0Ah Set Low Time of Fast Init Waveform 1 byte (time in msec)
Example: 2C 0A 19
* Sets low portion of Fast Init waveform
to 25msec. Therefore, high portion will be
50ms – 25ms = 25ms
2Ch 0Bh Set P3 Minimum and Maximum Time
P3 Minimum Default = 55ms
P3 Maximum Default = 5120ms
2 bytes (see below)
00 XX (Set P3 min, XX=time in ms)
01 XX (Set P3 max, XX=time*256 in ms)
2Ch 0Ch Set P4 Minimum Time
P4 Minimum Default = 5ms
2 bytes (see below)
00 XX (Set P4 min, XX=time in ms)
2Ch 0Dh Enable/Disable Start Communications message 1 byte (see below)
00 = Enable Start Comm Msg (default)
01 = Disable Start Comm Msg