
Keyword 2000 to RS-
232 Gateway
01/20/04 Page 11 of 20
2Ch 0Eh Enable/Disable Forced Format Byte
(Error Testing)
00 = Disable forced format byte (default)
01 XX = enable forced format byte
(where XX = format byte)
The following commands are reported by the SAINT (without time stamp information).
Header ID Description Data Bytes
2Ch 00h Fast Wakeup Pattern Detected None
2Ch 01h Keyword 2000 Timeout/Error 1 byte (explained below)
Keyword 2000 Timeout/Errors:
Bit 0 P1 Timeout
0 No timeout detected.
1 Inter byte timeout occurred for ECU (time between bytes > 20msec).
Bit 1 P2 Timeout
0 No timeout detected.
1 Timeout occured between Tester and ECU or two ECU responses (> 50msec).
Bit 2 P3 Timeout
0 No timeout detected.
1 Timeout occured between end of ECU response and start of Tester (> 5000msec).
Bit 3 Checksum Error
0 No error detected.
1 Detected a checksum error of a received Keyword 2000 message.