
Keyword 2000 to RS-
232 Gateway
01/20/04 Page 2 of 20
Revision Log
Revision A
Draft 1 March 12, 2003
Initial release of the document.
Draft 2 April 25, 2003
Updated Section 4.4.1 (added message 2C 06 XX message)
Draft 3 May 8, 2003
Changed all references of ACP to Keyword 2000.
Draft 4 December 15, 2003
Updated Section 4.4.1 (added new commands 07 thru 0A)
Updated Section 4.4.2 (added new KW2K transmit structure)
Draft 5 January 7, 2004
Updated Section 4.4.1 (added new commands 0B and 0C)
Updated Section 4.4.1 (changed 500ms to 5000ms on P3 Timeout)
Updated Section 4.4.1 (changed 2C 01 to show Timeout/Error instead of just Error)
Draft 6 January 20, 2004
Updated Section 4.4.1 (added new commands 0D and 0E)