
Terminal Setup
Codabar Start/Stop Number
The Codabar start and stop characters (ABCD and ? for a wildcard) are selected by
selecting the “General” symbology entry from the
Decoder Control window under
Object Editors in Twin Client. You can select any number from 0 to 24. Each number
represents a combination of codabar start and stop characters as shown in the table below.
For example, the start/stop number “7” selects a start character of “B” and stop character
of “C”.
Start Character Stop Character “Codabar Start/Stop”
A A 0
A B 1
A C 2
A D 3
A ? (Wildcard) 4
B A 5
B B 6
B C 7
B D 8
B ? (WildCard) 9
C A 10
C B 11
C C 12
C D 13
C ? (WildCard) 14
D A 15
D B 16
D C 17
D D 18
D ? (WildCard) 19
? (WildCard) A 20
? (WildCard) B 21
? (WildCard) C 22
? (WildCard) D 23
? (WildCard) ? (WildCard) 24
Supported Equipment Manual March, 2006