Error Message Resolution Guide
Message Reason Solution Reference Tech Note
INVALID KEY; The key pressed is not valid. Ensure that you are entering input into the
correct field.
MUST CLEAR FIELD; Trying to enter data in a field that
must be cleared first.
Ensure that you are entering input into the
correct field.
SCAN NOT ALLOWED; Trying to scan into a key only field. Ensure that you are entering input into the
correct field.
KEY NOT ALLOWED; Trying to key into a scan only field. Ensure that you are entering input into the
correct field.
ENTRY TOO SHORT; Trying to exit the field before it is
Ensure that you are entering input into the
correct field.
RECOVERABLE ERROR; Encountered an error from which
you can continue.
Verify that your configuration settings for
the hardware being used, usually a printer
and cable issue.
UNRECOVERABLE ERROR; Encountered an error from which
you can NOT continue.
Verify that your Network settings are
correct and you are in the correct mode
using the correct Port.
T1113, T1114, T1161,
T1171, T1187 and
FUNCTION: \n\nFILE: \nLINE: \nCODE; Encountered an error from which
you can NOT continue.
Notify Connect over the WEB incident
reporting system.
Press any key\nFor More Details...; Press Enter for more information. Advisory message. ---
Press any key; Press a key to continue. Advisory message. ---
Supported Equipment Manual • March, 2006