Error Message Resolution Guide
Message Reason Solution Reference Tech Note
Printer Not\nResponding; Can not print. Check cable, battery, communication
settings and paper in the printer.
Printer Out\nOf Range; Printer out of the coverage area. Most likely a range, access point or radio
issue. Troubleshoot the customer’s
T1113, T1114, T1161,
T1171, T1187 and
Print Complete; Prompt. Advisory message. ---
Reprint (Y/N)?; Yes or No prompt for a reprint. Advisory message. ---
WARNING; Prompt. Advisory message. ---
Turning power off\nduring a
session\nwill cause the\nprogram to
This Mobile Unit will disconnect the
session if powered off.
Mobile Unit manufacturer limitation.
Advisory message.
Are you sure (y/n)?; Yes or No prompt for a
Advisory message. ---
You Sure? (YyNn); Yes or No prompt for a
Advisory message. ---
Domain Name Server\nNot Set; DOMAIN NAME SERVER not
Configure the Mobile Unit with the correct
network IP information.
Domain Name Server\nQuery Memory
Memory error on the Mobile Unit Expand the Mobile Unit memory or return
the Mobile Unit for repair.
Supported Equipment Manual
March, 2006