Solaris SFS Driver User Manual Page 10
To install the emlxu utilities package manually:
1. Log in as root, or su to root.
2. Copy the utilities kit from your distribution medium into a directory, referred to here as
<directory>. The utilities kit is a .tar file named something similar to emlxu_kit-1.01c-sparc.tar.
3. Change to the directory where you put the kit tar file by typing:
cd <directory>
4. Extract the installation images from the tar file by typing:
tar xvf emlxu_kit-1.01c-sparc.tar
5. Install the EMLXemlxu utilities package by typing:
pkgadd -d . EMLXemlxu
6. The package is prepared for installation, and you are prompted to confirm the installation with
the following message:
Do you want to continue with the installation of <EMLXemlxu> [y,n,?]
7. Enter y. The installation package provides running commentary on the installation process.
8. Examine the output for any errors or warnings. If the installation is successful, the following
message is displayed near the end of the process:
Installation of <EMLXemlxu> was successful.
The emlxu utilities installation is complete. The utility package's programs are located in the
/opt/EMLXemlxu/bin directory.
You do not need to reboot your system to run a utility program, but you must either enter the program’s
full path name, or add the package's bin directory (/opt/EMLXemlxu/bin) to your environment’s search
path. To use the man pages provided by the package, you must also add the package's man directory
(opt/EMLXemlxu/man) to your environment's man path.
Removing the Utilities Using the emlxu_remove Script
You can uninstall the utilities kit using the emlxu_remove script. If you do not have the emlxu_remove
script and you do not have the original emlxu utilities kit tar file, you must uninstall the emlxu package
manually; follow the instructions in
Removing the Utilities Package Manually on page 11. If you are updating
the emlxu utilities to a newer version and you have the new utilities kit tar file, you do not need to use the
emlxu_remove script; the emlxu_install script removes any old version as it installs the newer version;
Installing or Updating the FCA Utilities Using the emlxu_install Script on page 5 for more details.
To uninstall the utilities package (without updating them):
1. Go to the directory where the emlxu_remove script is located, or to the directory where the
original utilities kit tar file is located, by typing:
cd <directory>
2. If you have the emlxu_remove script, skip to step 4. If you do not have the emlxu_remove script
but you do have the original emlxu utilities kit tar file, extract the emlxu_remove script from the
tar file by typing:
tar xf emlxu_kit-1.01c-sparc.tar emlxu_remove
Note: All emlxu files are removed.