Solaris SFS Driver User Manual Page 166
11. Configure any targets that were used with the lpfc driver (cfgadm -a to display the target list,
cfgadm -c configure <ApId> to configure the ApId's storage). The ApId can also be
referenced in the /kernel/drv/lpfc.conf file (for example,
fcp-bind-WWPN="200400a0b816dc52:lpfc3t4" could be configured by typing cfgadm -c con-
figure c6::200400a0b816dc52)
12. Edit the /etc/vfstab file and replace the sd pathname (for example, c3t4d1s6) to the ssd
pathname (for example, c6t200400A0B816DC52d1s6).
13. Redeploy all your targets to the new HBAs following the instructions in the SAN Foundation
Software 4.4 Configuration Manual.
14. Remove older adapters that are not supported by emlxs.
15. Uninstall HBAnyware and lpfc as follows:
login as root or su to root, then type pkgrm HBAnyware lpfc.
Migrating a Configuration with FC Boot
Migrating Non-emlxs HBAs to emlxs HBAs
This case applies if you are currently running only HBAs that are not supported with emlxs, such as
LP8000, and migrating to Sun-branded or FCA-recognized Emulex-branded HBAs. In this case, the
migration involves procuring emlxs-recognized Sun-branded or Emulex HBAs.
To migrate non-Emulex HBAs to Emulex HBAs:
1. Back up all data and system disks.
2. Install SFS 4.4.7 or higher. It will not recognize any adapters because your existing HBAs
remain lpfc-attached.
3. Shut down the system.
4. Install your new Sun-branded or Emulex HBA. Sun-branded HBAs will attach to the Leadville
driver (emlxs). Emulex HBAs will attach to the Emulex SD driver (lpfc).
5. Boot the OS.
If you are migrating from one Emulex HBA family to a different family, perform the following
additional steps. Otherwise, skip to step 6.
a. Identify the device path of the new boot drive, using the following format:
# format
b. Use emlxdrv to change only the migrating lpfc-attached HBA family to emlxs. Do not
migrate the boot lpfc adapter's family.
c. Boot the system to the ok prompt
d. Issue the set-sfs-boot command to change the remaining Emulex HBA device
paths from lpfc to emlx:
{0} ok show-devs