Solaris SFS Driver User Manual Page 51
Port Statistics Field Definitions
• Tx Frames - Fibre Channel frames transmitted by this HBA port.
• Tx Words - Fibre Channel words transmitted by this HBA port.
• Tx KB Count - Fibre Channel kilobytes transmitted by this HBA port.
• Tx Sequences - Fibre Channel sequences transmitted by this HBA port.
• LIP count - The number of loop initialization primitive (LIP) events that have occurred for the
port. This field is not supported if the topology is not arbitrated loop. Loop initialization consists
of the following:
• Temporarily suspend loop operations.
• Determine whether loop capable ports are connected to the loop.
• Assign AL_PA IDs.
• Provide notification of configuration changes and loop failures.
• Place loop ports in the "monitoring" state.
• Error Frames - The number of frames received with cyclic redundancy check (CRC) errors.
• Link Failures - The number of times the link failed. A link failure is a possible cause of a time-out.
• Loss of Signal - The number of times the signal was lost.
• Invalid Tx Words - The total number of invalid words transmitted by this HBA port.
• Ex Count Orig - The number of Fibre Channel exchanges originating on this port.
• Active XRIs - The number of active exchange resource indicators.
• Received P_BSY - The number of FC port-busy link response frames received.
• Link Transitions - The number of times the SLI port sent a link attention condition.
• Elastic Buf Overruns - The number of times the link interface has had its elastic buffer overrun.
• Rx Frames - The number of Fibre Channel frames received by this HBA port.
• Rx Words - The number of Fibre Channel words received by this HBA port.
• Rx KB Count - The received kilobyte count by this HBA port.
• Rx Sequences - The number of Fibre Channel sequences received by this HBA port.
• NOS count - This statistic is currently not supported for the SCSIport Miniport and Storport
Miniport drivers, nor is it supported for arbitrated loop.
• Dumped Frames - This statistic is not currently supported for the SCSIport Miniport driver, the
Storport Miniport driver or the driver for Solaris.
• Loss of Sync - The number of times loss of synchronization has occurred.
• Prim Seq Prot Errs - The primitive sequence protocol error count. This counter increments
whenever there is any type of protocol error.
• Invalid CRCs - The number of frames received that contain CRC failures.
• Ex Count Resp - The number of Fibre Channel exchange responses made by this port.
• Active RPIs - The number of remote port indicators.
• Receive F_BSY - The number of Fibre Channel port-busy link response frames received.
• Primitive Seq Timeouts - The number of times a primitive sequence event timed out.
• Arbitration Timeouts - The number of times the arbitration loop has timed out. Large counts
could indicate a malfunction somewhere in the loop or heavy usage of the loop.