• total man (manual) bolus insulin delivered for the day and total percentage of manual boluses delivered
for the day
to view more information.
The NUM BOLUS screen displays. This screen shows:
• total number of boluses delivered for the day
• total number of food only and correction only boluses delivered for the day
• total number of food plus correction boluses delivered for the day
• total number of manual boluses delivered for the day
To get back to the HOME screen, press
four times.
To view data over a number of days:
This procedure shows you how to view insulin delivery, food intake and meter blood glucose data for a selected
number of days.
Go to the DAILY TOTALS screen.
Main > Utilities > Daily Totals
The DAILY TOTALS screen shows Daily Average selected.
Press ACT.
The DAYS TO AVERAGE screen displays. Select the number of days you want to average by pressing the and
. Press ACT.
The AVG BG screen displays. This screen shows:
• the average of all blood glucose values entered into the pump for the number of previous days you selected
• the average high and low blood glucose values for the number of previous days you selected
• the average number of blood glucose values entered into the pump per day for the number of previous
days you selected
to view more information.
The AVG INS (average insulin) screen displays. This screen shows:
• the average total insulin delivered per day for the number of previous days you selected
• the average total basal and bolus insulin delivered and total percentage of basal and bolus insulin delivered
per day for the number of previous days you selected
Utilities 111