Your healthcare professional will rely on the results of your blood glucose tests to make changes in your pump
settings. The results of your A1C tests are used to assess your overall blood glucose control.
If you are on pump therapy, you must test your BG at least:
• Upon waking up
• Before each meal
• At bedtime
• If you feel nauseous
• One hour after any BG above 250 mg/dL (13.9 mmol/L)
Below are target guidelines from the American Diabetes Association for adults with diabetes. Consult your
healthcare professional to find out what your targets should be.
Summary of recommendations for adults with diabetes mellitus
Glycemic control A1C <7.0 percent
Preprandial plasma glucose (before meals) 90-130 mg/dL (5.0-7.2 mmol/L)
Peak postprandial plasma glucose (1-2 hours after meals) <180 mg/dL (<10.0 mmol/L)
Correlation between A1C level and blood glucose levels
Mean plasma glucose
A1C (percent)
mg/dL mmol/L
6 135 7.5
7 170 9.5
8 205 11.5
9 240 13.5
10 275 15.5
11 310 17.5
12 345 19.5
American Diabetes Association. Diabetes Care. “Tests of Glycemia in Diabetes.” & “Standards of Medical Care.”
Vol. 31, Supplement 1, January 2008. S18.
14 Introduction to pump therapy