Low resv (reservoir) warning
Values are based on displayed amount, not actual amount.
2 - 24-hours, and
@ 1:00 hour before empty
08:00 hours (default when time is selected)
units: 5 - 50 units, and
@ 1/2 amount remaining
20 units (factory default)
Meter value
• The BG measurement received from the meter. Appears in the ENTER BG screen during bolus programming.
Appears on the screen when the pump is idle at the HOME screen.
• Expiration: 12 minutes
• Range: 20 - 600 mg/dL (1.1 - 33.3 mmol/L)
• Maximum meter ID entries: 3
Normal bolus
Range 0.1 - 25.0 units of insulin (limited by maximum bolus setting).
Occlusion detection
When occlusion is detected, the NO DELIVERY alarm will occur. The occlusion alarm is triggered by an average of
2.77 units of missed insulin. The Paradigm pump is intended for use with U100 insulin. This table shows occlusion
detection for 3 different situations when using U100 insulin.
Minimum time
before alarm
Typical time
before alarm
Maximum time
before alarm
bolus delivery (1.5 u/min) 92 seconds 116 seconds 162 seconds
basal delivery (1.0 u/h) 2.2 hours 3.09 hours 4.47 hours
basal delivery (0.05 u/h) 37.4 hours 59.2 hours 87 hours
144 Pump specifications