Epic 880
Color Graphics
Page 188 100-88002 Rev B
&%UFALL& Flush information from user store
Description The &%UFALL& command clears all entries in user store and frees the
data space. It must have the name, “ALL” (in uppercase) attached.
&%UQ& Report on user store
Description The &%UQ& command prints a status report. The intention of the
command is to aid in universal graphic development.
&%UT<n> Redefine User Store Termination Character
IPCL &%UT<n>
Description This command allows the terminator used to signal the end of the name
field in User Store commands to be modified. The value of <n> is used for the
terminator. The value of n may be from 0 to 255.
Example If &%UT% were sent to the printer the User Store command to run
universal graphic "Demo" would be &%URDemo%.
&%CL Set Print Color
IPCL &%CL <n>
Description This command allows various colors to be selected on printer emulations
that do not support color text.
Where n:
0 Print in Black
1, 2, 3 Print in Red, Blue, or Green
&%UA Cycle Auto-Cutter
IPCL &%UA <m
> <m
> <m
Description This command feeds m/96 inches of paper and cycles the auto cutter.
Where m: m = m
* 100 + m
*10 + m