Configuring Your Epic 880
Page 42 100-88002 Rev B
list, or press and hold the FEED button to select the displayed configuration. A sample
configuration is shown in Figure 8.
Figure 8. Sample pre-loaded configuration.
Once a selection is made, a summary will be printed, and the user will be asked to
confirm the selection by pressing the FEED button. If not confirmed, the printer resets
and the process starts over. The printer will not exit this mode until one of the
predefined configurations is selected and accepted.
If confirmed, the selected configuration is recorded in the printer and made active,
after which the printer then resets. Once a selected configuration is activated, the
configuration will remain active until changed.
Note: It is possible to require that a configuration be activated before the printer can
be used. In this case the printer will request a configuration be selected every time it
is turned on until a valid configuration is actually selected. At that time the printer will
operate normally.
ID: xxxxxxx
Configuration description:
Ithaca normal with transport
Configuration Summary:
Emulation mode -Ithaca PcOS
Paper Selection
Print Energy Control:
Paper -Generic Black
RS232 Serial Interface
Baud Rate : 19200 BPS
Mode : 8 Bit No Parity 1 Stop Bit
Handshaking : Ready/Busy
Receive Error : Prints ‘?’
DTR/RTS Signal : RTS and DTR
CTS/DSR Signal : None
General Options
Code Page : 437
CPI : 17
Carriage Return : Normal
Off-Line Option : Normal
Line Spacing : 8.1 LPI
Input Buffer : 8192 Char.
And so on