100-88002 Rev B Page 267
[BEL] Audio alert, 155
[BS] Insert back space, 77
[CAN] Clear print buffer, 154
[CR] Set carriage return, 76
[DC2] Begin 10 cpi, 90
[DC4] End one-line double-wide print, 100
[ENQ] <10> Request printer reset, 164
[ENQ] <11> Request printer power cycle status, 165
[ENQ] <14> Inquire mechanical error status, 165
[ENQ] <15> Inquire printer state, 166
[ENQ] <20> Inquire all printer status, 166
[ENQ] <21> Inquire printer ID, 168
[ENQ] <22> Inquire Error Status, 169
[ENQ] <23> Inquire user-store status, 172, 173
[ENQ] <23> Inquire user-store status, 170, 171, 172
[ENQ] <23> Inquire user-store status, 174
[ENQ] <23> Inquire user-store status, 235
[ENQ] <23> Inquire user-store status, 236
[ENQ] <3> Inquire receipt paper low status, 163
[ENQ] <4> Inquire receipt paper out status, 164
[ENQ] <8> Inquire cover open status, 164
[ENQ] <9> Inquire buffer status, 164
[ENQ] <n> Inquire printer status, 163
[ESC] - <1> Begin underline, 101, 103
[ESC] ! <n> Select international character set, 81, 88, 89,
97, 98, 152, 153, 189, 206, 207, 208, 209, 213, 214, 215,
216, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226
[ESC] # <0> Begin 12 x 12 draft print, 93
[ESC] % G Begin italics, 105
[ESC] % H End italics, 105
[ESC] * <m> <0> <0> Set horizontal graphics mode, 119,
[ESC] * <m> <n
> <n
> Print graphics in mode <m>, 116
[ESC] ? <m> <n> Reassign graphic mode, 116
[ESC] @ Initialize the printer, 155
[ESC] [ @ ... Double-wide, double-high italics, 102
[ESC] [ C <n> Insert Euro character, 98
[ESC] [ P <n> Set character pitch, 91, 216
[ESC] [ T <n
> <n
> Select character code page, 97
[ESC] [EM] B <n> Set bar code height, 139, 140
[ESC] [EM] J <n> Set bar code justification and HRI modes,
[ESC] [SI] Begin 24 cpi, 90
[ESC] [US] 1 <Name..> <0> Load item process, 124
[ESC] [US] b <Name..> <0> Begin named macro record,
123, 125, 177, 178
[ESC] [US] d <Name..> <0> Delete item from user store,
[ESC] [US] e <Name..> <0> End name macro record, 125
[ESC] [US] e <Name..> <0> Remove item from user store,
[ESC] [US] e <Name..> <0> Stop name macro record, 123
[ESC] [US] f ALL <0> Flush user store, 124
[ESC] [US] l <Name> <0> Load macro/character, 126
[ESC] [US] m <Name..> <0> Save macro data, 125
[ESC] [US] m <Name..> Save macro data, 123
[ESC] [US] q <Name..> <0> Query user store, 127
[ESC] [US] r <Name> <0> Run macro data, 126
[ESC] [US] s <Name..> <0> Flag as a start-up macro, 124
[ESC] [US] s <Name..> <0> Flag start-up macro, 126
[ESC] ^ <n> Print control character, 99
[ESC] { Electronic Journal Begin, 150
[ESC] <n> <n
> <n
> Set horizontal position, 78
[ESC] 0 Set line spacing to 27/216 inch, 79
[ESC] 1 Set line spacing to 7/72 inch, 80
[ESC] 2 Enable variable line spacing, 80
[ESC] 3 <n> Set line spacing to n/216 inch, 79
[ESC] 4 Set top of form, 84
[ESC] 5 <01> Begin auto line feed, 85
[ESC] a <n> Set justification, 78
[ESC] A <n> Set variable line spacing to n/72 inch, 80
[ESC] b <n> ... Print bar code, 131, 138, 176
[ESC] B <n
> <n
> … <n
> 0 Set vertical tab stops, 83
[ESC] Begin 12 cpi, 90
[ESC] C [NUL] <n> Set form length in inches, 84
[ESC] c <n> Select color, 100
[ESC] C <n> Set form length in lines, 84
[ESC] d <n> Feed <n> lines at current spacing, 82
[ESC] D <n
> <n
> <n
> … <n
> 0 Set horizontal tab stops,
[ESC] E Begin emphasized print, 104
[ESC] F End emphasized print, 104
[ESC] f Select receipt station, 107, 109, 111, 112, 113, 114
[ESC] g <0> Process user macro, 129
[ESC] g <1> Start macro record, 129
[ESC] g <2> Stop macro record, 129
[ESC] g <3> Stop macro record and save, 129
[ESC] G Begin enhanced print, 103
[ESC] h <color> <length> <format> <data> Process color
graphics, 118
[ESC] h <color> <length> <format> <data> Process
horizontal graphics, 118
[ESC] H End enhanced print, 103
[ESC] I <n> Set print quality mode, 93
[ESC] J <n> Fine line feed, 79
[ESC] J <n> Fine linefeed, 142, 143, 144, 145
[ESC] K <n
> <n
> Print single-density graphics, 115
[ESC] L <n
> <n
> Print half-speed double-density graphics,
[ESC] l Electronic Journal Carbon Copy, 151
[ESC] p 3 <n> Select paper sensor(s) to output paper-end
signals, 156
[ESC] p 4 <n> Select paper sensor(s) to stop printing, 156
[ESC] q <n> Query marker, 155, 157
[ESC] R Reset horizontal and vertical tab stops, 78, 83
[ESC] S <0> Select superscript, 104
[ESC] S <1> Select subscript, 104
[ESC] T End superscript or subscript, 105