Operator’s Guide 161
Follow this procedure to print downloaded characters:
1. Use the configuration menu to set the printer to accept downloaded
2. Use the command SOH Az& to download characters to RAM as
described in this section.
3. Select the downloaded characters for printing. Downloaded
characters may be selected when created using SOH Az&. That
setting may be changed at any time. You can print from downloaded
characters stored in RAM or the currently selected character set stored
in ROM, on a character-by-character basis, by changing the data byte
source, using SOH Az%, as discussed earlier in this section.
You can print from all downloaded characters stored in RAM by changing
the data byte source using SOH Az%, or the "Overlay Characters" option
in the configuration menu.
The following pages describe the format of the command used to
download characters. Examples and blank matrixes for designing your
own characters are provided at the end of this subsection.
After your new characters are downloaded, you can use the "Print Data
Byte Map" option on the configuration menu to see how they appear in