32 Operations
Emulations and Printer Drivers
When a printer acts like another printer, it is said to emulate that printer.
Your printer can emulate an Epson FX-100, IBM Proprinter XL, or DEC
LA210 printer.
You can switch between emulations, as detailed in "Changing Emulations"
that follows.
When you use a specific computer application (MS Windows,
WordPerfect, Lotus 1-2-3, etc.) to print on a specific printer (Epson FX-
100, IBM Proprinter XL, etc.) you must select a specific printer driver. The
application's printer driver not only allows you to print on that printer, it
also allows you to select such things as print quality (NLQ, draft), normal
vs bold print, characters per inch, character sets, and others features and
options available with the emulated printer. These printer driver
selections override the configuration menu default selections.
Remember: If you change the emulation of your printer, you must
change the selected printer driver in your computer application. Consult
the manuals provided with your application.