188 Epson FX-100 Control Commands
ESC K Single-Density Graphics
ESC K (n1) (n2) (d1)...(d816)
[ K (n1) (n2) (d1)...(d816)
27 75 (n1) (n2) (d1)...(d816)
1B 4B (n1) (n2) (d1)...(d816)
Causes the printer to print single-density-graphics dot columns. Single-
density graphics are printed 60 dot columns per horizontal inch.
n1 and n2 specify the number of dot columns (data bytes) to reserve for
graphics. The maximum number of dot columns per line for single-density
graphics is 816. n1 and n2 are calculated as follows:
n1 = X MOD 256
n2 = INT(X/256)
where X equals the number of dot columns to reserve. For example, if the
number of dot columns is 80:
n1 = 80 MOD 256 = 80
n2 = INT (80/256) = 0
d1...d816 are decimal numbers from 0 to 255, each representing a dot
column. Each decimal number has a corresponding 8-bit binary
expression. The bits set to logic 1 in the binary expression correspond to
the printhead pins that fire to create dots in each dot column. If a bit is
set, the corresponding pin fires. If it is not set, the corresponding pin does
not fire. See the figure on the next page and the example that follows.