EPSON Stylus Pro 7600/9600 Revision A
Product Description Operating Panel 32
Note *1: It interrupts ink drying and runs the specified operation.
*2: 1.27cm/second (5.0 cps) paper feeding for 2 seconds after the button is pressed.
13.2cm/second (52. cps) paper feed if pressed for another 2 seconds. Maximum
reverse feeding is 20 cm by one press of the button.
*3: 1.27 cm/second (5.0 cps) paper feed for 2 seconds after the button is pressed.
13.2 cm/second (52. cps) paper feed if pressed for another 2 seconds. LEDs
The printer is equipped with the following LEDs.
The LEDs indicate printer status as follows:
Table 1-21. LEDs
LED (color) Display Printer Status
Operate (Green) On Printer power ON.
Blink Printer processing data, or in power OFF sequence.
Paper Out (Red) On Paper out, end of roll, confusion of roll paper and sheet,
paper set lever is released, or paper is thick for cleaning
Blink Paper jam error, paper cutting error, paper not straight,
paper recognition error, or paper (sheet) eject failure
Pause (Green) On Pause.
Blink Cleaning print head, or ink drying.
Ink Out (K1) (Red) On Black ink1 end, or wrong black ink
Blink Black ink1 low.
Ink Out (K2) (Red) On Black ink2 end, or wrong black ink
Blink Black ink2 low.
Ink Out (C) (Red) On Cyan ink end, or wrong cyan ink
Blink Cyan ink low.
Ink Out (M) (Red) On Magenta ink end, or wrong magenta ink
Blink Magenta ink low.
Ink Out (LC) (Red) On Light cyan ink end, or light cyan ink
Blink Light cyan ink low.
Ink Out (LM) (Red) On Light magenta ink end, or wrong light magenta ink
Blink Magenta ink low.
Ink Out (Y) (Red) On Yellow ink end, or wrong yellow ink
Blink Yellow ink low.
Maintenance tank
On Maintenance tank full error, or No maintenance tank error
Blink Maintenance tank almost full
Roll, Auto cut (Green) On Roll, Auto cut is selected.
Blink Confusion of roll paper and sheet, roll paper is not set.
Roll, Cutter off
On Roll, Cutter off is selected.
Blink Confusion of roll paper and sheet, roll paper is not set.
Sheet (Green) On Sheet is selected.
Blink Confusion of roll paper and sheet, sheet is not set.
Table 1-21. LEDs (continued)
LED (color) Display Printer Status