EPSON Stylus Pro 7600/9600 Revision A
Product Description Operating Panel 70
<mm> indicates conversion value of <nn> designated with mechanism
sequence command
• Conversion tables are XX1 ~ XX2.
• When <mm> = FFh, applicable input value is not converted.
• The cursor shifts between <nn> and <mm> with SelecType button and Paper
Source button.
• The value pointed with the cursor increases/decreases with Paper Feed ∆∇
• Setting value is saved into NVRAM with “Enter” button.
Paper feed adjustment offset
Offset value is set to add to the actual paper feed adjustment value. The setup
value is always valid regardless of mechanism sequence command “Paper feed
adjustment mode” setting.
“XX0=<nn>” Bias value is set for pigment.
• The value increases/decreases with Paper Feed ∆∇ buttons.
• Setting value is saved into NVRAM with Enter button.
System table version
It displays version No. of paper feed adjustment conversion table saved in the
NOTE 1: <mmmmm> is 5 letters indicating version of engine controller.
(e.g. “0270C”)
<n> is 1-figure hexadecimal number indicating change history of conversion
table. (e.g.”0”)
User table version
When a user change the table, the version No. is added 1 optionally.
“XXU=nn” *<nn> is 2-figure hexadecimal number
User table initializing
Users can initialize user table to system table with this mode.
1.4.5 Maintenance Mode 2
The maintenance mode 2 is selected by switching power ON while pushing the
Paper source, Cut/Eject, and Paper Feed ∇ buttons.
1. The setting menu select mode is selected after power ON.
2. Each setting menu is displayed one after another by pressing Paper Feed ∆∇
buttons in the setting menu select mode. It is shifted to setting item select
menu by pressing the SelecType button.
[Setting menu] is displayed on the upper line, and [Setting item] is displayed
on the lower line.
3. The setting menu is displayed one after another by pressing Paper Feed ∆∇
buttons in the setting item select mode. It is shifted to setting value select
mode of the setting item by pressing the SelecType button. [Setting item] is
displayed on the upper line, and [Setting value] is displayed on the lower line.
The '*' represents the current setup value.
4. Setting value is displayed on the lower line one after another by pressing
Paper Feed ∆∇ buttons in the setting value select mode if the setting value can
be changed. The '*' represents the current setup value.
5. When the Enter button is pressed in the setting value select mode, the
displayed setting value is entered as the current setting value. If it has a
corresponded operation, it is started. No operation occurs if '*' is already
6. It returns to the setting item select menu by pressing the Paper Source button
in the setting value select mode. It returns to the setting menu select mode by
pressing the Paper Source button in the setting item select menu.
Switch power OFF > ON.
Panel display
Character strings on the second line in “Panel message translation” are displayed
on the second line of LCD panel. Setup values are displayed on the second line of
LCD panel.