EPSON Stylus Pro 7600/9600 Revision A
Product Description Operating Panel 86
1.4.8 Function to prevent irregular printing
Strong cancel data
When 16KB DC1 is sent to the head of each job, the printer performs a special
initialization operation.
Refer to “1.4.9 Initialization (p.86)” for this initialization operation.
Skip reading of irregular data
Unprintable characters
It doesn't print characters including ASCII code with text print mode.
NOTE: 0Ah, 0Ch, 0Dh, 11h, and 1Bh are ESCP command supported by the
printer. The printer judges the command and decides to print it.
Job timeout
Refer to “ Job Timeout Setting (p.42)”.
1.4.9 Initialization
There are three kinds of initialization method. Hardware initialization
This printer is initialized when power to the printer is turned on.
For initialization, printer operates as follows:
Initializes printer mechanism.
Clears input data buffer.
Clears print buffer.
Sets default values. Software initialization
The printer is initialized also by the ESC @ command.
For initialization, printer operates as follows:
• Clears print buffer.
• Sets default values.
Cancel enhancement data(DC1×16kbyte) initializes the printer.
For initialization, printer operates as follows:
• Clears print buffer.
• Sets default values.
• Immediately cut only when some printing remain on the paper. Panel initialization
The printer is initialized when the Pause button is pressed for more than 3 seconds, or
the printer recognizes the -INIT signal.
For initialization, printer operates as follows:
Eject a paper. (If roll paper, it cuts paper skipping print part when Paper
Source = Auto Cut, it doesn’t cut when Paper Source = Cutter Off with
Cap the print head.
Clears input data buffer.
Clears print buffer.
Sets default values.
Table 1-50. Unprintable hexadecimal code (Control character code)
Code Character Code Character Code Character
00h NULL 10h DLE 7Fh DEL
01h SOH 11h DC1 - -
02h STX 12h DC2 - -
03h ETX 13h DC3 - -
04h EOT 14h DC4 - -
05h ENQ 15h NAK - -
06h ACK 16h SYN - -
07h BEL 17h ETB - -
08h BS 18h CAN - -
09h HT 19h EM - -
0Ah NL (LF) 1Ah SUB - -
0Bh VT 1Bh ESC - -
0Ch NP (FF) 1Ch FS - -
0Dh CR 1Dh GS - -
0Eh SO 1Eh RS - -
0Fh SI 1Fh US - -