Using the SUB CONFIG Option
The subconfiguration option is different for each printer mode.
The function and submenus of the SUB CONFIG option for each
mode is described below.
Once you set new settings with the SUB CONFIG option, each
setting remains in effect until you change it again or turn off the
printer. If you want a setting to remain in effect even when you
turn the printer off and on, use the Level 1 SAVE MACRO option
described on page 3-22.
HP emulation mode
When you are in L-JET2P emulation mode, the SUB CONFIG
option includes two submenus:
Press to enter the SUB CONFIG option submenu.
0 through 128
Use the FORM option to set the number of lines for the selected
paper size
and orientation. The setting you choose also changes the
line spacing. This setting is affected by P-SIZE, ORIENT and
FONT settings. If 0 is selected, the line spacing changes to
3-38 SelecType