Controlling the Printer
Most application programs contain a number of built-in functions
that you can use to control the printer. When you use these
features, special codes are inserted into your document by the
program. When you print a document, these special codes are
converted by the application program into commands understood
by the printer.
Word processors
Word processors usually let you use a fixed set of printer features
by tagging the text to be altered. When the document is printed,
the tags are recognized and translated into suitable commands for
your printer. Some programs display these tags on screen; others
display the text exactly as it will appear when printed, for
example, in bold or italics. This method is normally restricted to
features that can be found on almost all printers, such as bolding
and underlining.
Although spreadsheets seldom use as many printing enhancements
as word processors, they do have some very specific requirements.
If your spreadsheet program has a printer selection menu, choose
the first available printer recommended for your emulation mode.
If your spreadsheet doesn’t have a printer setup routine, read the
program’s manual carefully for printing information.
Application Software 5-5