Troubleshooting and Maintenance
The fixer is cooled in order to maintain printing quality. Printing
will be resumed after a moment.
Paper is jammed in the printer. See page 6-4 for removing the jams
in the printer.
Paper is not feeding into the printer from the tray (or lower paper
cassette) or has jammed on its way into the printer. Remove the
jammed paper. See page 6-2 for feed jams in the printer. See page
6-3 for feed jams in the lower paper cassette. See page 6-5 for
advice on preventing this problem.
When the printer is off line and data remains in the printer’s
memory, pressing
Form Feed
prints out the data and clears the
There is insufficient memory to print the page using the specified
print quality. The printer automatically reduces the print quality
so it can continue printing. If the printout is not acceptable, try
simplifying the page by limiting the number of graphics or
reducing the number of fonts or font sizes.
Lower the Print Quality setting to 300 dpi.
Turn the
Image Optimum
setting off on the Config menu in the
Cooling Down
Exiting Paper Jam
Feed Jam
Form Feed
Image Optimum