The valid data of each barcode type is described below. If invalid data is
included in the barcode data string, the barcode is not printed.
Barcode type Barcode data
Interleaved 2 of 5
Code 39
Code 128
0-9 (Hex 30-39)
0-9 (Hex 30-39)
0-9 (Hex 30-39)
0-9 (Hex 30-39)
0-9 (Hex 30-39)
0-9 (Hex 30-39)
0-9 (Hex 30-39), (Hex 41-5A), (Hex 20, 24, 25,
2B, 2D, 2E, 2F)
Set A, Set B, Set C
The following conditions are required for barcode printing:
T Barcode printing is always performed unidirectionally. However,
when it is mixed with raster bit image data, neither barcode nor raster
bit image data is printed.
T A barcode is not printed when part of the barcode extends beyond the
right margin.
T When barcode data and text data are mixed in a data sequence,
barcode and text are printed in the same place.
T The start and stop (*) characters of Code 39 are added to human
readable characters.
T The initial data of Code 128 (Set A, B, or C) is identified as the first
data of Code 128, and must be hexadecimal (41, 42, and 43
T When Code 128 Set C and Interleaved 2 of 5 are selected, barcode data
requires an even number data string. However, if an odd number
string is sent, a 0 is automatically added, making it an even number
data string.
T The barcode print start position (except POSTNET) is always 7/72
inch above the baseline.
Peony Rev.C
A5 size Appendix B
98/01/07 Pass 3
Printer Commands and Character Tables B-5