103 102
TM-T88III series
ESC c 3 n
[Name] Select paper sensor(s) to output paper end signals
[Format] ASCII ESC c 3
Hex 1B 63 33
Decimal 27 99 51
[Range] 0
≤ n ≤ 255
[Description] Selects the paper sensor(s) to output paper end signals
• Each bit of n is used as follows:
Bit Off/On Hex Decimal Function
0 Off 00 0 Paper roll near-end sensor disabled
On 01 1 Paper roll near-end sensor enabled
1 Off 00 0 Paper roll near-end sensor disabled
On 02 2 Paper roll near-end sensor enabled
2 Off 00 0 Paper roll end sensor disabled
On 04 4 Paper roll end sensor enabled
3 Off 00 0 Paper roll end sensor disabled
On 08 8 Paper roll end sensor enabled
4-7 - - - Undefined
[Details] • It is possible to select multiple sensors to output signals. Then, if any of the sensors detects
a paper end, the paper end signal is output.
• The command is available only with a parallel interface and is ignored with a serial interface.
• Sensor is switched when executing this command. The paper end signal switching be
delayed depending on the receive buffer state.
• If either bit 0 or bit 1 is on, the paper roll near-end sensor is selected as the paper sensor
outputting paper-end signals
• If either bit 2 or bit 3 is on, the paper roll end sensor is selected as the paper sensor
outputting paper-end signals.
• When all the sensors are disabled, the paper end signal always outputs a paper present
n = 15