144 143
TM-T88III series
GS v 0 m xL xH yL yH d1....dk
[Name] Print raster bit image
[Format] ASCII GS v 0
m xL xH yL yH d1...dk
Hex 1D 76 30
m xL xH yL yH d1...dk
Decimal 29 118 48
m xL xH yL yH d1...dk
[Range] 0
≤ m ≤ 3, 48 ≤ m ≤ 51
≤ xL ≤ 255
≤ xH ≤ 255
≤ yL ≤ 255
≤ yH ≤ 8
≤ d ≤255
k = (xL + xH × 256) × (yL + yH × 256) (k ≠ 0)
[Description] Selects Raster bit-image mode. The value of
m selects the mode, as follows:
m Mode Vertical Dot Density Horizontal Dot Density
0, 48 Normal 180 dpi 180 dpi
1, 49 Double-width 180 dpi 90 dpi
2, 50 Double-height 90 dpi 180 dpi
3, 51 Quadruple 90 dpi 90 dpi
[dpi: dots per 25.4 mm {1"}]
• xL, xH, select the number of data bytes (xL+xH×256) in the horizontal direction for the bit
• yL, yH, select the number of data bytes (yL+yH×256) in the vertical direction for the bit image.
• In standard mode, this command is effective only when there is no data in the print buffer.
• This command has no effect in all print modes (character size, emphasized, double-strike,
upside-down, underline, white/black reverse printing, etc.) for raster bit image.
• If the printing area width set by GS L and GS W is less than the minimum width, the printing
area is extended to the minimum width only on the line in question. The minimum width
means 1 dot in normal (
m=0, 48) and double-height (m=2, 50), 2 dots in double-width (m=1,
49) and quadruple (
m=3, 51) modes.
• Data outside the printing area is read in and discarded on a dot-by-dot basis.
• The position at which subsequent characters are to be printed for raster bit image is specified
HT (Horizontal Tab), ESC $ (Set absolute print position), ESC \ ( Set relative print
position), and
GS L (Set left margin ). If the position at which subsequent characters are to
be printed is not a multiple of 8, print speed may decline.
• The ESC a (Select justification) setting is also effective on raster bit images.
• When this command is received during macro definition, the printer ends macro definition,
and begins performing this command. The definition of this command should be cleared.