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TM-T88III series
n = 3: Error status
Bit Off/On Hex Decimal Function
0 Off 00 0 Not used. Fixed to Off.
1 On 02 2 Not used. Fixed to On.
2 – – – Undefined
3 Off 00 0 No autocutter error.
On 08 8 Autocutter error occurs.
4 On 10 16 Not used. Fixed to On.
5 Off 00 0 No unrecoverable error.
On 20 32 Unrecoverable error occurs.
6 Off 00 0 No auto-recoverable error.
On 40 64 Auto recoverable error occurs.
7 Off 00 0 Not used. Fixed to Off.
Bit 3: If these errors occur due to paper jams or the like, it is possible to recover by correcting
the cause of the error and executing DLE ENQ n (1 ≤ n ≤ 2). If an error due to a
circuit failure (e.g. wire break) occurs, it is impossible to recover.
Bit 6: When printing is stopped due to high print head temperature until the print head
temperature drops sufficiently or when the paper roll cover is open during printing, bit 6
is On.
n = 4: Continuous paper sensor status
Bit Off/On Hex Decimal Function
0 Off 00 0 Not used. Fixed to Off.
1 On 02 2 Not used. Fixed to On.
2, 3 Off 00 0 Paper roll near-end sensor: paper adequate.
On 0C 12 Paper near-end is detected by the paper roll near-end
4 On 10 16 Not used. Fixed to On.
5, 6 Off 00 0 Paper roll sensor: Paper present.
On 60 96 Paper roll end detected by paper roll sensor.
7 Off 00 0 Not used. Fixed to Off.
[Reference] DLE ENQ, GS a, GS r, Appendix G